TFEM Website leaderboard


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Meet Chriztel Renae Aceveda, the Filipino singing teen winning the hearts of Croatians

With her rendition of the folk song  “Dej mi Bože, Filipino teen Chriztel Renae Aceveda wins the hearts of Croatians at the country’s Supertalent show. In a historic moment in the show,…

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Rei Cuaycong Setoguchi Discovers the Art of Kickboxing

Filipino-Japanese kickboxer Rei Cuaycong Setoguchi shares how kickboxing not only gives him awards and fame, but also a balanced and happy life. In the beginning, taking on kickboxing was not Rei Cuaycong…

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Cover story: Michelle Aldana’s South African Bliss

Michelle Aldana, actress and former beauty queen shares her expat journey from Germany to South Africa and how she had found bliss in this part of the world. “Where is Michelle Aldana…

Single mom Leslie Duma and TikTok superstar Jamiel Bustos
How a single mom raised a social media superstar

Being a single mom is hard enough but raising a child alone in a foreign country is even more challenging. This is the inspiring journey of a Filipina single mom from Toronto,…

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