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Writing in Filipino language while in disapora
Column: Ulila sa Wika

Poet and writer Karessa Ramos examines our longing for speaking and hearing our mother-tongue while living abroad, our speechless way of communicating with one another, and how our Filipino identity is connected…

Work diversity Christina
Culture shock: Kenya and work culture

A Filipina teacher deals with culture shock after she landed a top job in a Kenya’s college with values that didn’t not align to hers. Agatha Verdadero writes from Kenya. When a…

War in Ukraine, Filipinos in Ukraine
War in Ukraine: A Filipina’s point of view

Eliza, a Pinay from Antique, was just about to start building a family in Kyiv when Russia invaded Ukraine. Then her husband enlisted in the army. A portrait of a Filipina’s life…

Expat living in rural Spain: Of customs and seasons

In La Mancha, Filipino writer and expat Antonio Montalvan enjoys centuries-old traditions of rural Spain that most tourists don’t experience. I had taken abode in the tranquil pueblo of Camuñas and little…

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